Directory of GVHD Clinics, Specialists, and Subspecialists
If you are no longer receiving care at your transplant center, the first step in finding a GVHD treatment specialist is to contact your transplant team for a referral. If your team cannot provide a referral, use this directory to search for a GVHD healthcare provider.
There are two types of healthcare providers listed in this directory:
- transplant physicians who specialize in the overall management of GVHD
- physicians who are subspecialists, like dermatologists and ophthalmologists, who specialize in managing only GVHD symptoms at a particular organ site, like the skin or eyes
We recommend that you include GVHD/Survivorship Clinic in your search. These clinics treat patients with several manifestations of GVHD and may be an option for you.
Please note that not all GVHD specialists in the U.S. are listed in this directory. This directory includes only those who can accept patients regardless of where they received their transplant.
If you are a healthcare provider who would like to be considered for inclusion in the GVHD Directory CLICK HERE to complete the application.
Many thanks to Sanofi, whose support has helped make this directory possible.
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