Pay It Forward

After a bne marrow or stem cell transplant, survivors and their family often look for ways to help other transplant patients. Learn how you can help.

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After a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, many survivors and family members choose to celebrate their second chance at life by helping others. If you would like to pay it forward here are some ways you can help.

Mentor a New Patient or Caregiver

Often, patients starting the transplant process find it very helpful to talk with someone who has been through the procedure. BMT InfoNet's Caring Connections program links:

  • patients about to go through transplant
  • caregivers
  • bone marrow and stem cell donors

with others who understand their concerns and can provide emotional support. 

If you would like to become a Caring Connections volunteer complete this online application.  A BMT staff person will phone you to welcome you to the program and discuss with you how to be a good mentor.

Make a Donation

The services BMT InfoNet provides are funded largely by generous contributions from people who have been through a bone marrow or stem cell transplant.. You can make a donation to BMT in several ways:

  • hold a fundraiser to benefit BMT InfoNet
  • make a personal contribution to support our work
  • ask your employer if there is a matching gift program you can enroll in that will generate donations for BMT InfoNet
  • name BMT InfoNet as a beneficiary in your will
  • suggest a contribution to BMT InfoNet in lieu of gifts on memorable occasions like birthdays, holidays, etc.

Your contribution will help thousands of transplant patients each year, and is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate Now!

Volunteer Your Skills

BMT InfoNet always needs volunteers to help with a variety of office needs. We also rely on people with special skills to help us serve transplant patients.

Some skills you might have that can help patients include:

  • professional photography
  • videography
  • writing skills
  • artistic skills

Email if you are interested in becoming a BMT InfoNet volunteer and tell us a bit about you.

(To view this page in Spanish click here)

Updated June 2024
