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Resource Directory

BMT InfoNet has created a directory of organizations that provide useful information and support to transplant and CAR T cell therapy patients and their loved ones. Click Search by Topic below to find organizations that can help you. Click on the link to access the website.

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Resource Directory

BMT InfoNet ha creado un directorio de organizaciones que brindan información útil y apoyo a los pacientes de trasplantes y de terapias de células CAR T y a sus seres queridos. Haga clic en Buscar por Tema a continuación para encontrar organizaciones que puedan ayudarlo. Haga clic en el enlace para acceder al sitio web.

Para solicitar una versión impresa de este directorio haga clic aqui.


BMT InfoNet

Online information and books about bone marrow/stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy and graft-versus-host disease. Support groups and one-on-one peer support program. Directories of transplant centers, CAR T-cell centers, GVHD clinics and physicians and mental health providers. Video learning library with presentations about late effects after treatment. Financial assistance.

Financial Assistance
Transplant Basics
Transplant Center Directory
Bone Marrow, Stem Cell and Cord Blood Donors
CAR T-cell therapy
CAR T-cell Center Directory
Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD)
Directory of GVHD Providers
Caring Connections Peer Support Program
Directory of Mental Health Providers
Sexual Health & Fertility
Support Groups
Video Learning Library
Patient Stories
Pediatric Transplants

Air Charity Network

Coordinates transport of patients with medical needs using volunteer pilots in the continental United States as well as Alaska and Hawaii.

Alex's Lemonade Stand

Funding for transportation and lodging is available for eligible families who are financially burdened by traveling away from their home hospital for care that is only available elsewhere.

American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists

Directory of certified sex therapists, counselors and educators who can support those with sexual difficulties after treatment.

American Cancer Society

Information about adult and pediatric cancer and health insurance. Road to Recovery program provides free rides to cancer treatment. 

Financial Assistance
Insurance & Employment
Pediatric Resources

American Childhood Cancer Organization

Information about childhood cancers.

American Sickle Cell Anemia Association

Information about sickle cell disease and support groups.

Amyloidosis Foundation

Information about amyloidosis. 

Amyloidosis Support Groups

Information and support for patients with amyloidosis.

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation Inc.

Information about aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), and related bone marrow failure diseases, treatment options and support groups.


Provides PROSE custom-made lenses for people with severe ocular GVHD.

Cancer and Careers

Information about employment rights during and after cancer treatment.

Cancer Support Community

Cancer support helpline, in-person support groups throughout the U.S.

CancerCare, Inc.

Online support groups and financial assistance for qualified individuals with cancer. Counseling for people living in New York or New Jersey.


Information on diets for cancer survivors, food safety and menu planning.

Online and mobile app to organize medications, appointments, important contacts and other medical information. 


Create a free web page to communicate with family and friends about the patient's progress and receive messages of support.

Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)

Primarily a site for transplant researchers, the site also offers publicly available slide sets on trends in transplantation and survival data.

Children's Oncology Group

Reliable medical information about childhood cancers, treatment options, short and long-term side effects, and long-term follow-up survivorship guidelines.

Survivorship Guidelines

Children's Organ Transplant Association (COTA)

Fundraising assistance for families incurring transplant-related expenses for a child or young adult.


Information about clinical trials to treat a variety of diseases at medical facilities worldwide.  

Compassion Can't Wait

Financial assistance for single parents of children undergoing transplant and other major medical procedures.

Cord Blood Association

Information about donating cord blood for public use or storing it for private use.

Cure Search for Children's Cancer

Research consortium conducting clinical trials to improve outcomes after childhood cancer.

DKMS/We Delete Blood Cancer

Recruitment agency for bone marrow and stem cell donors.

Dollar For

Nonprofit agency that helps qualified patients access discounts on hospital bills.

Elephants and Tea

Online magazine featuring stories by young adult cancer survivors and caregivers. Calendar of events of interest to young adult cancer survivors.

Expect Miracles Foundation's SAMFund

Provides direct financial assistance to young adult post-treatment cancer survivors (ages 21-39) as they regain their financial footing after expensive cancer treatment. EMF’s SAMFund Grants Program covers a wide range of post-treatment financial needs related to the cancer experience. EMF also provides a list of resources for patients, survivors, and their families.

Fanconi Anemia Research Fund

Information about Fanconi anemia and treatment options. Support groups, family and adult patient retreats and caregiver resources.

First Descents

Free outdoor adventure programs to help you adult cancer survivors, aged 18-45,  climb, paddle, and surf beyond their diagnosis, reclaim their lives, and connect with others. 

Free Dental

Information about how to find free or low-cost dental care in the U.S.

GVHD Alliance

Centralized listing of programs for patients living with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) provided by BMT InfoNet, NMDP, nbmtLINK, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, American Society for Transplant and Cellular Therapy and The Meredith Cowden Foundation.

Healthcare Hospitality Network

Online listing of free or low-cost lodging for patients and their caregivers while they are receiving medical treatment away from their home communities.

Information about available health insurance programs offered via the Affordable Care Act.

Healthwell Foundation

Financial assistance for health insurance premiums, medication co-payments, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. Also includes disease specific funds. 


Help with community-based fundraising for people with unmet medical expenses and related costs due to cell and organ transplants or catastrophic injuries and illnesses.

Immune Deficiency Foundation

Information about primary immune deficiency disease, treatment options and a clinician finder.

International Myeloma Foundation

Information about multiple myeloma, treatment options, and support groups.

Video about CAR T-cell therapy for patients with myeloma

International Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia Foundation

Information about Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia, treatment options and support groups.

Joe's House

Nonprofit organization that helps cancer patients and their families find a place to stay when traveling away from home for medical treatment.

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Information about leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and other blood disorders. Peer support and support groups. Financial assistance. Clinical trials navigation. Free consultation with a nutritionist.

Leukemia Research Foundation

Information about leukemia and treatment options. One-time grant to eligible leukemia patients living in Illinois or within 100 miles of Chicago.


Information about preserving fertility before treatment, fertility clinics, and financial aid for sperm, embryo and egg freezing services.

Lotsa Helping Hands

An online tool to coordinate meals and help for friends & family.

Lymphoma Research Foundation

Information about lymphoma and treatment options. Peer support and financial assistance during treatment.

Meal Train

Online program to schedule volunteers to provide meals for someone with a serious illness.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Integrative Medicine

Information about herbs, supplements and botanicals during and after cancer treatment.

Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation

Information about multiple myeloma and treatment options. Peer support, support groups, and patient navigation services for patients and caregivers.  Information about CAR T-cell therapy for patients with myeloma.

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link (nbmtLINK)

Webinars, publications, podcasts, and peer support for stem cell transplant and GVHD patients and caregivers.

National Cancer Institute Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD) Study

Clinical trial researching health outcomes in patients with chronic graft-versus-host disease. Free, comprehensive medical evaluation by a team of GVHD experts with recommendations on appropriate care to manage a patient's GVHD symptoms

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Fact sheets about specific herbs or botanicals with details, how they may help, and potential side effects.

National Comprehensive Cancer Network

Treatment guidelines for various types of cancer.

National Foundation for Credit Counseling

Network of credit counseling agencies that help people facing bankruptcy or overwhelming debt.

National Foundation for Transplants

Fundraising and grant programs for transplant-related costs not covered by public or private insurance.

National Institutes of Health Center for Cancer Research

Provides stem cell transplants and CAR T-cell therapy free of charge through research clinical trials for qualified patients

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

Fact sheets about rare diseases. Financial assistance for medication, co-pays, medical testing, and travel for clinical trials, as well as grants for qualified caregivers to provide respite from caregiving duties.

Oncofertility Consortium

Information about fertility preservation before cancer treatment for both children and adults.

Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation

Information about cord blood banking

Patient Access Network Foundation

Financial assistance to help people with serious illnesses afford their out-of-pocket treatment costs.

Patient Advocate Co-Pay Program

Financial assistance to qualified patients to help with prescription drug co-pays.


Peer-to-peer support and resources for children and teens impacted by their parent's cancer.

Pinky Swear Foundation

Financial assistance for families with a child undergoing treatment for cancer.

Smart Patients

Online support communities for patients with a vareity of medical disorders.

Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine

Directory of sleep medicine therapists trained in cognitive behavioral therapy for sleep, an effective remedy for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Stupid Cancer

Resources for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) during and after treatment.

The Myelodysplastic Syndromes Foundation

Information about myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).

The National Children's Cancer Society

Emotional, financial, and educational support for children with cancer and their families. Financial support during treatment and scholarships after treatment.

Triage Cancer

Extensive information about insurance and employment for cancer patients

U.S. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)

Report on number of stem cell transplants by year, donor type, stem cell source, and disease.

Ulman Foundation

Resources for young adult cancer survivors in the Washington DC area

United Healthcare Children's Foundation

Help with medical expenses not covered by insurance for patients up to age 16 who have commercial health insurance.

Wonders and Worries

Wonders & Worries provides free, professional support for children aged 2-18 who have a parent with a serious or chronic illness or injury. Consultations, classes, and support groups are also available for parents.