Long-Term Recovery Period

This section of the website will provide you with information about how to protect your health after a stem cell transplant and describe some potential side effects that can arise months or even years after the transplant.

Your transplant has given you a new lease on life. Protecting your health requires a life-long commitment to regular check-ups, reporting new problems to your doctors, and persistence in getting the care you need to address any health issues.

Long-Term BMT Recovery Guidelines

It's important for you and all of your local doctors to know about the guidelines for long-term health care after your stem cell transplant. These are general guidelines that your transplant team may modify.

Survivorship Care Plan

Your transplant center may provide you with written instructions about follow-up care you will need from your local doctors.  This is sometimes called a survivorship care plan.

Late and Long-Term BMT Side Effects

Unfortunately, some side effects can happen months or years after transplant. Not everyone develops late side effects, but it is good to know your risk.

Talk with a Transplant Survivor or Family Member

Would you like to talk with someone who has been through a transplant, either as the patient or family caregiver, to learn how they managed the experience?

Our Caring Connections Program can connect you with a survivor or family caregiver who can answer your questions and provide support.

Next Page: Long-Term Health Guidelines after Transplant