Preparing for Transplant

This section of the website explains what you need to know as you plan for your stem cell transplant. Now is a good time to think about how your extended family members and friends can help you because a bone marrow transplant is not a "do-it-yourself" experience.

There's a lot to learn when preparing for a transplant. Take it one step at a time and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Choose a Transplant Center

If you have not yet decided where you will have your transplant, these pages can provide some information and guidance:

Will Insurance Pay for Your Transplant?

A transplant is an expensive procedure. You'll want to work with the financial coordinator at your transplant center to help you maximize your health insurance benefits and plan how household and other expenses will be managed. 

Will You Need a Blood Stem Cell Donor?

If you will have a transplant using your own stem cells (autologous transplant), you won't need to worry about finding a stem cell donor.

If, however, you need a transplant using donor cells (allogeneic transplant), these sections can help you understand who may be your donor:

How Are Blood Stem Cells Collected?

Blood stem cells can be collected from the bone marrow or the bloodstream. In some cases, umbilical cord blood can be used.  Click this link for more details:  

Choose a Personal Caregiver

While you are undergoing and recovering from your transplant, you will need help managing your medications, doctor visits, potential complications, and other daily activities. Learn why transplant centers require patients to identify a family member or friend who can be a 24/7 caregiver and what that caregiver will be expected to do.

Prepare Your Family and Friends

Undergoing a bone marrow transplant is definitely a family affair. Get tips on preparing your family for the experience and enlisting the help of extended family members and friends.

Do You Plan to Have Children after Transplant?

The chemotherapy and radiation you'll receive before the transplant may make you infertile. Learn your options for preserving your fertility and having children after transplant: 

Emotional Challenges

Throughout the transplant process, you will feel many different emotions. This is entirely normal and expected.  Learn some tips to help maintain your emotional well-being.

Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplants

If your child will be the transplant patient, you'll find helpful information about how and when to discuss the transplant procedure with your child on this page:

Talk with a Transplant Survivor or Family Member

Would you like to talk with someone who has been through a transplant, either as the patient or family caregiver, to learn how they managed the experience?

Our Caring Connections Program can put you in touch with a survivor or family caregiver who can answer your questions and provide support.

Next Page:  Choosing a Transplant Center