Publications and Products
Find the perfect gift for someone special and know that your purchase will support transplant patients at the same time.To place an order from outside the U.S. or to order with a purchase order number phone 847-433-3313 or email are here
Eating Well, Living Well after Transplant
Developed with the help of dietitians, this brochure offers tips on how to manage eating difficulties that are common after transplant.
Helpful Hints for Caregivers
Practical tips for managing the emotional and physical challenges of caring for a transplant patient.
Caring Connections Program
Learn about BMT InfoNet's one-on-one peer support program: Caring Connections.
Trasplante de Células Madre y Terapia de Células CAR T
Este práctico folleto presenta los servicios y publicaciones proporcionados por BMT InfoNet para pacientes de trasplante y terapia de Células CAR T y sus familias. Se incluyen enlaces rápidos a páginas populares del sitio web de BMT InfoNet y recursos de aprendizaje en línea, y una introducción al programa Enlaces de Apoyo de BMT InfoNet. Ideal para salas de espera, paquetes educativos para pacientes y distribución en reuniones y eventos. Los folletos son gratuitos y están disponibles en grandes cantidades.
Comer Bien y Vivir Bien Despues Transplante (Eating Well, Living Well after Transplant)
Tips on how to manage eating difficulties that are common after transplant.
Tarjeta Consejos Utiles para los Cuidadores (Helpful Hints for Caregivers)
This card provides tips on caring for a transplant patient.
Folleto del Programa Enlaces de Apoyo (Caring Connections Program Rack Card)
Folleto en español: Familiaricese con el programa de apoyo entre pares de BMT InfoNet (Spanish Rack Card: learn about BMT InfoNet's one-on-one peer support program).
Strength T-Shirt
Celebrate the courage and strength of transplant survivors and their caregivers with this stunning new T-shirt from BMT InfoNet.
Chemo Brain T-shirt
This T-shirt will resonate with anyone who has been through a stem cell transplant.
Stop GVHD T-Shirt
If you are living with graft-versus-host disease, you'll want this shirt as part of your wardrobe.