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Learn about bone marrow/stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and how to manage late effects of treatment.

After being diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, nurse Justin Regan underwent two stem cell transplants using cells from a donor. He recounts his experience and shares what inspired him to continue on through treatment, despite the difficulties.
Long-term health consequences of stem cell transplant using donor cells (an allogeneic transplant) are very real, although they affect a minority of patients and can often be treated effectively. This presentation reviews the most common problems following an allogeneic transplant and the therapies available to treat them.
Resumen: El trasplante con células de un donante (trasplante alogénico) puede causar efectos tardíos en la salud meses o años después del trasplante. Este video describe posibles complicaciones tardías o a largo plazo después del trasplante, cómo reducir el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones y opciones de tratamiento.
Autologous stem cell transplants are a treatment option primarily for patients with multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. High-dose chemotherapy is part of the treatment and can destroy cancer cells as well as healthy blood cells. Although side effects do occur after an autologous stem cell transplant, most patients can expect a return to normal, healthy life after transplant.
El trasplante que utiliza las propias células (trasplante autólogo) puede causar efectos tardíos en la salud meses o años después del trasplante. Este video describe posibles complicaciones tardías o a largo plazo después del trasplante, cómo reducir el riesgo de desarrollar complicaciones y cuáles son las opciones de tratamiento.
CAR-T cell therapy is a promising new treatment for multiple myeloma. This presentation describes the versions of this therapy that are currently available, their potential complications and side effects, and the risk/benefit calculations in deciding when this treatment is appropriate.
This video will discuss why a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may need CAR T-cell therapy; the steps involved in making a CAR T-cell product; how CAR T-cells are administered to patients; and both short- and long-term side effects, and outcomes associated with CAR T-cell the
CAR T-cell therapy is a new treatment option for lymphoma patients whose disease has been resistant to standard chemotherapy. This presentation describes what’s involved in going through CAR T-cell therapy, the CAR T-cell products currently approved by the FDA, and the short- and long-term side effects of treatment.
La terapia de células CAR T es una nueva opción de tratamiento para pacientes con leucemia linfoblástica aguda, algunos linfomas y mieloma múltiple que no han respondido a terapias anteriores. Esta presentación describe cómo funciona la terapia de células CAR T, sus riesgos y efectos secundarios, y cómo estos pueden manejarse de manera efectiva.
The age of patients undergoing a stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy is increasing, but older patients are often not as fit as younger adults. Transplant and CAR T-cell therapies can be modified to increase the likelihood of success for old adults.
Bone marrow transplant survivors have an increased risk of developing a second or “secondary” cancer later in life. This video discusses risk factors for developing a secondary cancer, cancers most frequently seen after transplant and monitoring and testing that should be done periodically to catch second cancers early when they are easiest to treat. (Throughout the talk, bone marrow transplant refers both to bone marrow transplants and stem cell transplants, as well as cord blood transplants.)
A variety of skin problems are common after a bone marrow or stem cell transplant including infections, rashes, hair loss, lesions and skin cancer. This video discusses both malignant and non-malignant skin problems, who is at risk for developing these problems, recommended skin care after transplant, and testing to prevent or diagnose skin problems early.