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Learn about bone marrow/stem cell transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and how to manage late effects of treatment.

Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) often affects the genitals in patients who undergo a stem cell transplant using cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant). Genital GVHD can cause pain and can interfere with sexual intimacy. Learn how to detect and treat genital GVHD in both men and women.
Stem cell transplant recipients may develop pulmonary complications after transplant. Some, like bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) can severely restrict breathing. This presentation describes the symptoms and treatments for these complications with particular attention to bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.
Stem cell transplant recipients are at an elevated risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures after transplant which can be disabling or life-threatening. Learn who’s at risk and screenings and treatments options that can help prevent fractures due to bone loss.
The peripheral nerves in our body control our sensation and movement. Damage to the peripheral nerves is called peripheral neuropathy. This video discusses the different types of peripheral neuropathy, causes, risk factors, symptoms, tests to diagnose it and treatment options.
Cognitive issues, such difficulty with attention and memory, are common after a bone marrow transplant. This presentation discusses why they occur, tests to determine the extent of the problem and treatments available to address these problems. (In this presentation, the term bone marrow transplants is meant to include bone marrow, stem cell and cord blood transplants.)
Chemobrain and steroid rage are common side effects of drugs used during a stem cell transplant. This presentation reviews the causes and symptoms of these problems as well as the prospects for full recovery from them.
Chronic fatigue after a stem cell transplant is common. It can persist for months, or even years. This video explains what contributes to transplant-related fatigue and describes exercise and mindfulness programs that are effective in reducing it.
This presentation explains how exercise can improve stamina and strength; how a physical therapist can tailor an exercise program to meet your needs; and how energy conservation plays a role in managing fatigue. It also provide a demonstration of some exercises that transplant recipients can perform at home.
Problems with sleeping can exacerbate the fatigue and depression that often accompanies a stem cell transplant. This presentation reviews many sleep issues like insomnia that can complicate recovery after transplant, and describes effective remedies for these problems.
Many women experience sexual problems following a stem cell transplant. A variety of medical and psychologist issues contribute to problems with intimacy and sexual health, but effective treatment options are available.
El diagnóstico de cáncer y su tratamiento, así como el trasplante pueden afectar la vida sexual de la mujer. En este video encontrará estrategias que ayudan con los cambios sexuales y recomendaciones para restaurar la salud sexual después del trasplante.
Sexual problems in men after a stem cell transplant is quite common. This presentation reviews various types of sexual dysfunction in transplant recipients and available remedies. Patients are encouraged to learn about these issues and not hesitate to seek help when needed.