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Bereavement Support Group

If you are a caregiver who lost a spouse/partner after transplant or CAR-T cell therapy within the last 3-48 months, we invite you to join this online bereavement group. The group will meet monthly via Zoom, and members can attend as often as needed.

The group is led by a licensed psychologist with expertise in transplant, CAR T-cell therapy, and caregiving, as well as grief, death, and loss. The focus of each group meeting will be tailored to the needs of the participants and may include topics such as stages of grief, coping with loss and challenging emotions, adjusting to life now, and self-care after caregiving.

Bereavement Support Group
Phone Type
Patient Info & Relationship
Diagnosis Info
Type in diagnosis to see list or select Other and complete the disease description.
If your disease was not listed above enter it here. 
What type of therapy did the patient have?
Transplant Info
Health Issues List After Transplant
CAR T-cell Therapy
General Contact Info
Do you speak languages other than English?

 I agree to keep the names and comments of all participating in the group discussions confidential.
This support group is for the caregiver who has lost a Spouse/Partner.  Since you did not check that you are the Spouse/Partner, please check out our other support groups. 
If you have any questions, please email Michala at