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Steven Pavletic Steven Pavletic, MD, PhD
National Institutes of Health Chronic GVHD Study Group

Steven Pavletic

Experience: GVHD/Survivorship Clinic, GVHD Specialist/Transplant Physician, GVHD - GI Tract and Liver
Board Certification: Hematology-Oncology
Patients served: Adults

Phone number for patients: (204) 408-0858
Phone number for healthcare providers:

Address:  10 Center Drive, 10/CRC 4-3130
 Bethesda, Maryland 20892

Background: Dr. Pavletic is a an internationally recognized expert in chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGVHD). His clinical studies focus on improving treatment for patients with cGVHD. Dr. Pavletic has led national and international efforts to develop consensus guidelines for cGVHD clinical trials. Currently, he directs the NIH cGVHD Study Group whose clinical trial offers patients a complete evaluation of their chronic GVHD by a multidisciplinary team including recommendations for GVHD management.