GVHD Support Group for Spouse/Partner

New Group Starting Soon
woman working with laptop

Connect with other spouse/partners who are caring for an adult GVHD patient.

If you are a spouse/partner who is caring for an adult who has been diagnosed with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), we invite you to join an online GVHD caregiver support group. Share experiences and support with others who truly understand the challenges of caring for a loved one who has chronic GVHD.

The GVHD caregiver support group is for caregivers of patients who are a year or more post-transplant and are currently being treated for chronic GVHD. The group is led by a licensed psychologist with extensive experience working with caregivers for GVHD patients. The group meets online via Zoom.

Being a caretaker for a GVHD patient has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. One day, everything is under control, and the next day, you don't know where to turn. The support group has been a lifesaver for me. It provides an environment where I am with like-minded people, sharing hopes, fears, and strategies for coping with this very unpredictable disease.