
- Apparel
Conquer Graft-vs-Host Disease Wristband (5 in a packet)
Will you show your support for someone living with graft-vs-host disease (GVHD)?
By just wearing a simple wristband, you will let people affected by GVHD know that you are trying to understand what they are going through.
Why this matters
There is more to the story after a blood stem cell transplant. People who have had a donor stem cell transplant often develop a complication called graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
It occurs in about 30% - 40% of patients who receive cells from a related donor and about 50% of patients who receive cells from an unrelated donor.
After the transplant, everyone wants to resume everyday life, but GVHD can make that difficult for the patient and their family members.
The emotional roller coaster of GVHD
Living with GVHD sometimes can feel like an emotional roller coaster, with ups and downs and unexpected twists and turns. It's tough to know what's next around the corner, whether things will get worse or better and how long the GVHD will last. And, it is challenging to deal with a new condition after making it through the rigors of a transplant. But,
support for those touched by GVHD
can make a big difference in that person's quality of life!
"Sometimes the greatest act of support is simply being there for someone when they need it the most."
Show your support with these Conquer Graft-vs-Host Disease wristbands.
Order your FREE Conquer Graft-vs-Host Disease wristbands from BMT InfoNet today. They are packaged in 5s so you can pass them out to those you know.
Wear it proudly. Spreading awareness about what it is like to live with GVHD is something we can all do.
Wear a wristband if you:
are dealing with GVHD
know someone who has GVHD; you are a family member, friend, acquaintance, healthcare provider
don't know someone struggling with GVHD, but you want to show your support
Then What?
Take a picture of you and others with you wearing your wristband and post it on our BMT infoNet social media platforms, share, like, etc.! To do this, go can go to:
Facebook and
*We will be attending a medical conference starting Feb. 16. Note on your post if it is okay to use your photo at our BMT InfoNet booth.
Thank you for joining us in the BMT InfoNet
Conqueror Graft-vs-Host wristband campaign! #GVHD
Know GVHD. Understand GVHD. Go to