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Neuropathy (nerve damage) sometimes occurs after a stem cell transplant. It most often affects hands and feet but can affect other parts of the body as well. This presentation explains what causes neuropathy after transplant and various treatments available to relieve it.
Many bone marrow/stem cell transplant patients experience neuropathy (nerve pain) after transplant. This presentation describes the various types of neuropathy patients may experience and reviews popular treatment options.
La neuropatía (daño a los nervios) es común después de un trasplante de células madre. Obtenga información sobre los diferentes tipos de neuropatías que pueden desarrollarse, los síntomas comunes, cómo se diagnostican las neuropatías y las terapias que se utilizan para tratarla.
The peripheral nerves in our body control our sensation and movement. Damage to the peripheral nerves is called peripheral neuropathy. This video discusses the different types of peripheral neuropathy, causes, risk factors, symptoms, tests to diagnose it and treatment options.