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Ocular graft-versus-host-disease occurs in 40% to 60% of allogeneic transplant patients. Early detection and treatment are important. This presentation reviews the most common symptoms and effective remedies for ocular GVHD.
Ocular graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) can cause tear loss, dry eyes, irritation, pain and vision problems and can impact quality of life after transplant. This presentation will discuss symptoms of ocular GVHD and effective treatments.
The eyes are one of the most common sites for graft-versus-host-disease following stem cell transplantation. This presentation describes the most typical forms of ocular GVHD and the wide array of remedies to effectively treat symptoms of this problem. (Note: In this presentation, when the speaker uses the term bone marrow transplants, it includes stem cell and cord blood transplants as well.)
Graft-versus-Host-Disease (GVHD) occurs when transplanted donor cells attack the patient’s body. It can affect virtually every organ in the body and may require prolonged treatment. This presentation reviews the different types of GVHD, symptoms you should watch for and report to your doctor, and the available treatment options.