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Leading transplant experts share vital information to help you make informed healthcare decisions before and after transplant.

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Salud Sexual Masculina

Los problemas sexuales ocurren frecuentemente después de un trasplante de células madre. Infórmese sobre los tratamientos para las dificultades sexuales, así como sobre las formas de preservar la fertilidad después del trasplante.

Nutrition: What You Eat Does Matter

After a stem cell transplant, eating can be difficult. Learn how to manage various eating difficulties, and how your diet can affect the risk of developing certain health problems long-term.

Medical Marijuana and Stem Cell Transplant: What Do We Know?

The use of medical marijuana is common among transplant recipients to manage a variety of symptoms. However, it can interact with some of the medications transplant patients typically take, reducing their effectiveness. Discussing its use with your transplant physician is important before using medical marijuana.
