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GVHD Wall of Hope

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Brad Wall of Hope


I'm sharing a poem that expresses the feeling of having GVHD, as a result of a stem cell transplant with my brother as my donor:
GVHD Wall of Hope


The annoyance of GVHD comes and goes, but the beauty of life and all that is before me is what I live for. Peace and blessings, you can do this too!!
Christine GVHD Wall of Hope


Find the good in every day, and keep smiling. As my donor sister says, smiling is the best.
Patti Wall of Hope


Thankfully, I have a loving, supportive family and community. Grateful to be celebrating another year post-transplant.
Gregg Wall of Hope


Life. This is the one life we get. We have to fight for it. Since birth really. Don’t give up. I have wanted to so many times. We can beat this. Enjoy life when you can. Laugh. Love. Dance and sing. Do it all!
GVHD Wall of Hope John


It is hard to imagine this when you are fighting the beast every day, but someday you will have to remind yourself to stop and smell the coffee and not get so wrapped up in the rat race of life. Remember to thank your caregivers
GVHD Wall of Hope


Strength doesn't come from overcoming what you can do, it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't!
Renee GVHD Wall of Hope


Looking forward to the time when I no longer fear GVHD because it has not come back!
Ossium GVHD Wall of Hope

Ossium Health

We're inspired by today's patients to help make allogeneic BMT a fundamentally safer procedure for future patients.
Jullian GHVD Wall of Hope


I hope that a cure can be found one day and that we can all dance in celebration of a cure!
GVHD Wall of Hope


Thank goodness, I have the best team of professionals handling every aspect of my GVHD.
GVHD Wall of Hope


Even with all my GVHD, we are grateful for our lives and all we are blessed with.
Kathy GVHD Wall of Hope


Feeling thankful for having mild GVHD and hopeful that my MDS friends find treatments that help.
GVHD Wall of Hope


I wish continued improvement and hope for all the other survivors out there
GVHD Wall of Hope


Hopefully, in the near future, there will be amazing advances in medicine to ensure that nobody has to deal with this in the future!
GVHD Wall Michele


I support gvhd awareness because I am a patient experiencing this disease and there are not enough doctors around who understand it and what it can do to a body. There is also no funding available, that I am aware of, to support
GVHD Wall of Hope


My daughter has been a GVHD patient with ongoing changing symptoms which are not easily diagnosed or treated. I hope, with awareness, some light will be shed on all those in need who are suffering with this little-recognized
GVHD Wall of hope Hands Kash


Hello, in honor of my 22 year old son Kash, who had a BMT 2 years ago and is dealing with some GVHD, our family decided to sport our bracelets all week and we even managed to take a few pics in support of him and all of those
GVHD Wall of Hope Peter


Both my brother and I suffered the consequences of lymphoma during the past seven years. We were both blessed with the positive outcome of medical treatments that eradicated the cancer. I had an autologous stem cell transplant and
GVHD Wall Bond Jim.jpg


At one point in my 31-year survival of multiple myeloma (which has a 5 year average survival), the oncologist told me nothing was left, I should go to a hospice. I refused, instead electing for an allo transplant. The allo and an
GVHD Wall Norton Nancy.png


We all have a different journey and the journey is constantly changing with GVHD. With GVHD, sometimes it is here for the long haul while other times GVHD makes a strong, short appearance. Either way, just take it one day at a
GVHD Wall of Hope Pat


After running a group for transplant survivors who had moderate to severe GVHD, I support this day 100%. A brave, resilient group of people who deal with daily stress with grace and forward-thinking.
GVHD Wall Michele


I support gvhd awareness because I am a patient experiencing this disease and there are not enough doctors around who understand it and what it can do to a body. There is also no funding available, that I am aware of, to support
GVHD Wall of Hope

Jennifer J

Hello! I have experienced GVHD and offer my support to others who are traveling this path. Although I was forewarned before my transplant that there was a good chance that I would experience GVHD, I was mostly focused on trying to
GVHD Wall of Hope


Hi. My name is Diane. And I just wanted to tell anybody that’s reading this that I am a friend of somebody that has GVHD. He recently had a bone marrow transplant a few months ago. They were very much aware of all the
GVHD Wall of Hope


My sweetheart has had GVHD for 5-6 years after a stem cell transplant. He has been on trials from Dana-Farber in Boston to NIH. His full time job is to beat it. He continues to ride his bike, walk and stay positive. He is a
GVHD Wall of Hope


My husband is in thankfully two years in remission from acute lymphoblastic leukemia due to a life-saving stem cell transplant. Our family is grateful for this time with him, but GVHD of the lungs and joints has left him quite
GVHD Wall Joan


My doctor prescribed physical therapy and medications that decreased my GVHD symptoms. I am grateful.
GVHD Wall of Hope Jennifer


I have been an oncology social worker for over 25 years. I wear this bracelet in honor of all those I have met suffering with this disease. I wear it to raise awareness for proper treatment and funding for new research to battle
GVHD Wall Shoemans Belgian Chocolates

Dr. Helene S.

GVHD is like a box of Belgian chocolates...You never know what you're gonna get. Let's team up to improve the lives of GVHD patients
GVHD Wall of Hope

Paula M.

I live with the challenges of GVHD after a bone marrow transplant in 2018. At times it can actually feel worse than my initial diagnosis of AML. I have a wonderful team of doctors thru the University of Michigan. They are very
GVHD Wall of Hope Joanna


My husband and I agreed that we needed to keep laughing whenever we could! We often had to work to find food that was palatable since GvHD made a mess of my entire GI tract. This was a silly celebration of a meal that worked! Our
GVHD Wall of Hope Valerie


Hello! I was reading your stories and have my own to share which I hope will inspire others. Even though I had a rough road after transplant and became disabled by lung GVHD, I found the power of art and humor for healing along
GVHD Wall of Hope


I want those who are suffering with GVHD to have HOPE. I am 5+ years post transplant and during year one I had skin GVHD a couple of times. Although more mild than organ or eye GVHD or some others, it was really painful and I
GVHD Wall of Hope Dave


I was first diagnosed with MDS about 4 years ago and went through a donor stem cell transplant. It was a rough year-and-a-half living in a virtual bubble, with constant blood transfusions, profound weakness, hair loss, temporary
GVHD Wall of Hope Sharon


Progress for GVHD is so painstakingly slow. Even more frustrating is that the medical community does such a poor job of preparing transplant patients for cGVHD. This is especially true for vaginal GVHD. Women continue to suffer
GVHD Wall of Hope Sue

Sue S.

As a caregiver (wife) of a GVHD patient, I found support and hope in the GVHD caregiver’s support group offered through BMTInfonet.
GVHD Wall of Hope


My daughter has been a GVHD patient with ongoing changing symptoms which are not easily diagnosed or treated. I hope, with awareness, some light will be shed on all those in need who are suffering with this little-recognized
GVHD Wall of Hope


We get it! It’s complicated and everyone is different. Know that there is support and help. But more needs to be done. 5-year GVHD survivor.
John Wall of Hope


I am inspired to continue fighting so that I can take care of my family and loving wife and see my children grow.
GVHD Wall of Hope Kathleen


I support GVHD patients because I struggled with GVHD for 3 years after my transplant. It wasn't easy but I got through it and I encourage anyone with GVH to just keep moving forward.
GVHD Wall Gannon Tabatha


From a 15-year stem cell transplant survivor, we all go through our own trials with GVHD, unfortunately some worse than others! But together we can get through anything! Keep smiling! You are stronger than you know! God bless each
GVHD Wall Jaffee Deborah.jpg


Don’t give up! Everyone responds differently to treatments. Work with your doctor to try different things that work for you. Now (fall 2022) down to Jakafi .5 every other day
GVHD Wall of Hope Susan P

Susan P.

Seek out positive people in your life, find activities that make you happy or feel productive, and build exercise into your day. You've got this!
GVHD Wall of Hope


So Ironic that February 17th is the 1st ever GVHD Awareness Day. It will be my son, Dylan's 31st birthday. Diagnosed at age 9 with osteosarcoma enduring the loss of his leg. Three years later with myelodysplasia. Stem cell
GVHD Wall of Hope


Even though my beautiful wife lost her battle with GVHD I will always support the cause. I pray that someday there will be a way to stop this disease that gets in the way of a life saving treatment. For you that are fighting this
GVHD Wall of Hope Kelly


Keep in mind that a little (or a lot of) GVHD may mean the donor cells will be attacking any residual cancer cells you may have, and you may have a lesser risk of the cancer returning. I hope that gives you some comfort.
GVHD Wall of Hope


Even with all my GVHD, we are grateful for our lives and all we are blessed with.
GVHD Wall of Hope Douglas


I have had GVHD since my bone marrow transplant September 2012. I am 10 years old with my new chance of being on earth, 55 in all. I feel accountable for this time, which could be a negative thing, since I am less focused and
GVHD Wall of Hope Paula

Paula O

I have been dealing with GVHD for 5+yrs and at times it has it’s challenges, but I continue to stay active as possible, I try to stay as positive as possible and continue to live as normal a life as possible. Stay Strong